Our Transnational Project Meeting in Spain

In September 2022, our partnership had the chance to meet for the first time in person. Our Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) took place in the Basque Country, in Spain. Partners met in Zarautz, and the Transnational Project Meeting was held on the 15th and 16th of September, hosted by HETEL.
1st day of the Transnational Project Meeting
On the first day of the meeting, 15.09.2022, partners overviewed the project. The partnership set the tasks and the timetable for the successful implementation of the project. In addition, each partner presented the results of the focus groups that took place earlier this semester. During the meeting, the partnership discussed in detail about the work that has been done so far and discussed about the content of the first and second project result (VET Self-Assessment Tool (e-VET SAT) for Digital Capacity and the Platform and App (e-VETrainers Platform and App). Furthermore, the responsible partners of each result, presented what has been done so far and the partnership shared their thoughts regarding the content and structure.

2nd day of the Transnational Project Meeting
The second day of the meeting, 16.09.2022, partners agreed on the content regarding the e-VET Self-Assessment Tool (e-VET SAT) for Digital Capacity and the Platform and App (e-VETrainers Platform and App). They also summarised what they discussed the previous day in order everyone to be on the same page and set their next steps regarding the implementation. Furthermore, partners agreed to gather case studies in order to be used in the project’s results.
Last but not least, the partnership set some deadlines for the upcoming period and made suggestions regarding their next Transnational Project Meeting in Germany and the Learning Teaching Training Activity. Finally, they set the date for thein next online monthly meeting.
For more information about our project stay tuned!