
e-VET4AI aims to initiate a process of OPEN INNOVATION in which the European IVET systems are open to practices developed in other contexts through the sharing of a VIRTUAL LEARNING SPACE

  • e-VET Self Awareness Tool (e-VET SAT) for Digital Proficiency,
  • e-VET4AI training model (e-VET4AI TM).


e-VET Self Awareness Tool

The Self-Awareness-Tool (SAT) is a Self Awareness Tool for Digital Proficiency that contributes to upskilling trainers on teaching and learning methodologies, necessary in the current era, using digital technologies. This tool is structured as a questionnaire, built around the areas of observation provided by DigCompEdu, aiming at testing the level of Digital Proficiency of trainers and outlining the progressive acquisition of skills and practices able to advance them on the scale of reference.


evet4ai robot teacher

e-VET4AI training model for beneficiaries

e-VET4AI training model (e-VET4AI TM) is an online training toolkit addressed to the mechanical training system with a focus on Artificial Intelogence and Data Analytics, that allows trainers to test the developed materials, also measuring their ability to use innovative digital tools.