What e-VET4AI actually is!
The project
Nowadays especially in the post-Covid era it is necessary to invest in trainers’ digital skills, providing tools to support online teaching, and in technologies. In order to do so the project “e-VET for Artificial Intelligence” (e-VET4AI) is created, particularly focused on the mechanical segment (Industry4.0).
Our project aims to initiate a process of open innovation in which the European IVET systems are open to practices developed in other contexts through the sharing of a virtual learning space, achieving the following results.
The project aims to support trainers active in mechanical training courses, in the development of new digital skills and confidence in the use of new teaching methodologies, to be integrated within more traditional teaching methods.
The results
This project will create:
- An e-VET Self-Assessment Tool (e-VET SAT) for Digital Proficiency, which will help upskilling trainers on teaching and learning methodologies, necessary in the current era, using digital technologies.
- An e-VETrainers Platform and App, designed to facilitate collaboration and sharing between trainers on the creation of interdisciplinary DIGITAL LESSONS, aggregating in a single web space:
- multimedia tools
- communication tools
- content developed at the level of CLASS, MULTICLASS or ENTITY.
- An e-VET4AI Training Model (e-VET4AI TM), ressed to the mechanical training system with a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, that will contribute to the achievement of the above result as it will allow trainers to test the developed materials, also measuring their ability to use innovative digital tools.
The Target Groups
The project is addressed to:
- Trainers (from the partners’ institutions and, in cascade, from Europe)
- VET Institutions & eVET Institutions
- VET trainees (both students and workers)
- Metalmechanical companies
- VET Educational providers
- Τeachers’ assistants
- Engineering companies
- Other stakeholders (Adult, disable people, stakeholders who play a role in educating VET students & stakeholders who play a role in Engineering companies)
The partners
The partnership consists of 7 partners from Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece and Belgium.
- ITKAM – Italienische Handelskammer Fur Deutschland, from Germany
- SIAV- Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A., from Italy
- HETEL- Asociacion De Centros De Formacion Tecnico Profesional De Inciativa Social De Euskadi Hetel Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea De Durango (Bizkaia), from Spain
- Consorzio ecole – Ecole – Enti Confindustriali Lombardi Per L’education – Societa’ Consortile A R.L., from Italy
- p-consulting.gr, from Greece
- CBE – Cooperation Bancaire Pour l’ Europe, from Belgium
- Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH, from Germany
Stay tuned for more info and news!