e-VET4AI project

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed several shortcomings in the field of training methodologies. In particular, a strong fragmentation and a lack of homogeneity in the use of digital tools was observed; as well as a general difficulty in systematizing the different online education and training experiences.

This has necessitated the development of new digital and pedagogical training methods starting from the self-assessment of digital competences to the personalized design of learning content.

The e-VET4AI project aims, precisely, at improving and developing the digital competences of those people who make use of digital tools for learning and training in their daily work, particularly in the mechanical sector, such as:

  • VET-Trainers,
  • institutions active in the field of vocational training and education,
  • students and workers,
  • engineering companies.

Specifically, the objectives of the project include the:

  • enhancement of the digital competence of trainers, within the framework of DigCompEdu;
  • implementation of blended and distance learning methodologies;
  • identification of digital tools to support IVET (Initial Vocational Education and Training);
  • improvement of the digital readiness of IVET institutions in mitigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on teaching methods.

The project began in November 2021 and will conclude in October 2023. The project is financed by the German National Erasmus+ Agency NA-BIBB with EU funds. ITKAM coordinates the project and cooperates with partners from 5 European countries: ECOLE (Italy), Hetel (Spain), Confindustria Veneto SIAV (Italy), CBE (Belgium), p-consulting.gr (Greece) and Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa (Germany).

On 20th of January, the online Kick-off meeting of the project took place. The partners had the chance to better know each other and of course to discuss on the project and the implementation of its results. In particular, the partnership will work on the realization of three outcomes:

  • e-VET SAT (Self-Assessment Tool), i.e., a tool aimed at assessing the teachers’ level of digital competence and outlining the progressive acquisition of new digital skills;
  • e-VETrainers Platform and App, aimed at facilitating the collaboration, between teachers regarding the creation of interdisciplinary digital lessons;
  • e-VET4AI TM (Training model), i.e., a ready-to-use online course for teachers, providing assessment and certification methods.