Next steps of e-VET4AI project

In our previous article we analysed what the partnership has already done, regarding the project results implementation. Our project results are the following:

  • e-VET SAT (Self-Assessment Tool), i.e., a tool aimed at assessing the teachers’ level of digital competence and outlining the progressive acquisition of new digital skills (PR1);
  • e-VETrainers Platform and App, aimed at facilitating the collaboration between teachers regarding the creation of interdisciplinary digital lessons (PR2);
  • e-VET4AI TM (Training model), i.e., a ready-to-use online course for teachers providing assessment and certification methods (PR3).

Next steps

As far as Project Result 1, e-VET SAT (Self-Assessment Tool), is concerned, upcoming activities include the elaboration of the e-VET SAT which will be based on the results of the focus groups/ interviews and the digital competences of the trainers provided by DigCompEdu.

In particular, the assessment tool will include the following areas:

  • professional engagement;
  • digital resources; teaching and learning; assessment; and
  • empowering learners

Also, an assessment criteria will be designed: levels from A1 to C2 will be a useful indicator for teachers in order to understand their level of digital skills.

Indicatively from September, the e-VET SAT, will be provided to, at least, 40 trainers. The objective is to measure the digital proficiency of the teachers. It would be particularly interesting to compare the initial capabilities of the trainers with the abilities they will develop after the implementation of the activities of Project Result 2, e-VETrainers Platform and App.

Finally, partners will equally analyse the piloting results by considering the specific target groups’ needs (trainers, VET institutions). Trainers are expected to become more aware of their digital skills aimed at designing, delivering and assessing meaningful digital learning methodologies. At the same time Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) system will have insights on the skill gaps and will therefore be better able to filled them in.

As regards Project Result 2, e-VETrainers Platform and App, next steps include the finalization of the implementation of the platform and the later proceeding with the user’s test by VET trainers. A total of 40 trainers will test the functions of the Platform also by simulating the creation of lessons. The testing activity aims at verifying, among others, the ease of selection of content and its creation in the environment called “lesson”. Further activities within the Project Result will include the clarification on how to use the Platform by illustrating the main points in methodological guidelines and during workshops.

Also, from 14th to 16th September the partnership will implement the first transnational Face to Face meeting, which will take place in presence in the Basque country (Spain).