
Lets see more about our team


Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland -Germany

The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM), established in 1911 under German law as a non-profit association of entrepreneurs and professionals, is recognized by the Italian government under the law of 1.7.1970, n. 518.

ITKAM is a bilateral association that operates on the Italian and German markets to foster and increase economic relations and cooperation between companies in both countries.

ITKAM is present in Germany with three operational offices (Frankfurt, Berlin, Leipzig), several representative offices in Italy, and a desk in Vienna (ITKAM Austrian Desk).


Confindustria Veneto SIAV Srl - Italy

SIAV is the service company of Confindustria Veneto, the leading trade association in Veneto, representing c.a. 12,000 companies mainly SMEs manufacturing sector.

Through its “Factory of Knowledge” Unit, SIAV has developed its own knowledge and technology transfer trajectories over the last 15 years through regional, national and European projects, initially with reference to open innovation models advancing from a focus on 4.0 technologies, circular economy, to AI and the transition to the new human-centred and environmentally responsible Industry 5.0 paradigm.


Asociacion De Centros De Formacion Tecnico Profesional De Inciativa Social De Euskadi Hetel Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea De Durango (Bizkaia) - Spain

HETEL is an association of 30 VET schools, located in the Basque Country. Since 1987 we have been working with enthusiasm, cooperation, integrity and solidarity with the aim to improve, give prestige and lead VET from a social commitment approach, to favor its abantean school´s network, the people to participate in its VET system,  companies and society in general, from a local perspective but with an international focus. 

We were the first organization from the field of VET recognised with Silver A Award for its advanced management system (2015). HETEL is structured in working groups which currently work towards different challenges in the field of vocational education: work based learning, career guidance, internationalization or sustainable development are only some of them


Ecole - Enti Confindustriali Lombardi Per L'education - Societa' Consortile A R.L. - Italy

ECOLE - Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi per l'Education is the company tailored on vocational training and job services formed by seven associations, part of the national industrial association system: Assolombarda Milano Monza e Brianza, Associazione Industriali di Cremona, Confindustria Alto Milanese, Confindustria Como, AIOP Lombardia, Confindustria Lecco e Sondrio, UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre. Such associations represent more than 8.000 companies and 420.000 employees; it mainly operates on Lombardy Region and reaches national borders thanks to the presence of Ucimu-Sistemi per Produrre.

ECOLE has two main aims: to promote, organize and coordinate vocational training activities, careers guidance, also through public funding; to design and manage job services, especially those devoted to retraining and outplacement services.

ECOLE is as body accredited at regional level and issues, on behalf of the Region Lombardy, certificates of competences with respect to the regional framework of professional standards (QRSP), adopted by the Region Lombardy in 2008.

ECOLE is a founding member of the Competence Center MADE 4.0, a digital and sustainable factory that supports manufacturing companies in their digital transformation journey towards Industry 4.0. It makes available a broad panorama of knowledge, methods and tools on digital technologies ranging from design to engineering, from production management to delivery and end-of-life management.

Within the Competence Center ECOLE plays a role in promoting orientation activities addressed to SMEs, with the aim of informing and showing Industry 4.0 technologies and explaining them through ad-hoc training activities.

partners - p-consulting

IT company focused on training - Greece is an IT Consulting company focused on Training, established in 2012, and located in Patras (Greece). Main objectives of the company is the provision of:

  • quality IT and consulting services in business terms to companies and enterprises in all sectors of economy,
  • training services which address the needs of various target groups,
  • IT services, focusing on web development and creation of online educational platforms,
  • managing and developing of project services, mostly oriented to improve the quality of people, especially people who from socially vulnerable groups.

In addition, the company has a well-established network as it has implemented up to now over 40 European Projects, with the collaboration of over 180 partners, among 24 EU countries. It has implemented hundreds of National Projects and has more than 250 clients in the field of IT and business support. It is also remarkable that has numerous collaborations in projects even beyond Europe. Additionally, it is an active member of EfVET since 2012. is combining training and IT services, by focusing to digital interactive training, through developing and creating online training courses, educational games, gamification tools, web and mobile applications using new and innovative technologies totally respecting WCAG2.0 (accessibility protocols).

The company holds four European awards of best practices, three awards in Greece and one in Lithuania. Its main aim is the digital transformation of businesses and organisations through the innovative exploitation of existing tools guaranteeing a swift, sustainable, and effective process.


Cooperation Bancaire Pour l'Europe - Belgium

Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe (CBE) – EEIG is a Brussels-based company founded in 1992 by several European banks wishing to cooperate to take full advantage of European and international opportunities. CBE acts as a bridge between the EU and the local realities close to its Associate members by providing information, publications and advisory services useful to access European funds. Our organisation has been involved for years in writing, applying for and managing numerous European projects on the themes of financial education, entrepreneurship and development of innovative financial instruments.


Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH - Germany

Since its foundation on 18 October 1990, Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH has been a recognised partner of regional economy and active in measures of the:

  • Vocational orientation and vocational preparation;
  • Continuing vocational training;
  • Promotion of disadvantaged people;

QZ Riesa provides every year about 400 students with vocational training pathways (in German: Duale Ausbildung) as well as upskilling programmes for workers of metalworking and electrical companies. Additional to that, the QZRR is a trusted facility of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the region and hosts practical examinations for the trainees.

Over the years nearly 18.000 young professionals improved their skills or graduated in QZRR. As VET provider QZ Riesa has partnership agreements and collaborate with about 70 local companies and VET schools.

 The primary goal of the educational offers is to improve the skills of the trainees for their entry in the labor market as well as the upskilling of workers to ensure the long-term securing of existing jobs. We can rely on an efficient network of all important players in training and labor market of the region (we have active partnerships with about 70 companies and VET providers). Accordingly, qualified employees design the training programmes in a tailormade and future-oriented manner.

Comprehensive and differentiated personnel management ensures a continuously high standard of qualification of our employees and teachers. The QZ Riesa is certified according to AZAV (Accreditation and Approval ordinance – Employment Promotion) and is recognised provider of youth welfare services. In addition to that the QZRR supports the local schools in organising and realising of the vocational orientation by performing tests, practical training and internships. In this way every year over 600 pupils are counselled for their future working life in the QZRR.