Self-Awareness-Tool (SAT)
Check first your level of knowledge on selected technologies and practical applications through the SELF AWARENESS TOOL.
Choose your most appropriate training path navigating across multimedia contents of the TRAINING MODULES.
Become an e-VET4AI Ambassador by registering your account and providing feedback on the platform!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is acquiring an increasingly important role in daily life, in the production system up to including the world of learning and training.
The industry has already adopted artificial intelligence solutions on a large scale and requires new professional profiles capable of interacting with the new systems.
By acquiring AI competencies, students will be better prepared to take advantage of these opportunities and to contribute to the development of AI technologies.
AI can accelerate personalized learning, provide students with ongoing assessments and feedback, and apply learning analytics to differentiate the learning process.
As representatives of the VET education world we would first like to offer you some suggestions related to the world of AI and other enabling technologies to check the level of awareness on these topics. The Self awareness tool is enriched with practical cases of application of technologies in industry and education.
It is then up to you to choose the most appropriate self-study training path according to your priorities.
Satisfaction Questionnaire
After you complete at least one of the modules, please take some time to answer a few questions regarding this platform.